Musicians of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic
Keep the Music Playing
We have news to share! The musicians and a dedicated group of community members have been hard at work over the last few months. Your support and requests to “keep the music playing” have given us the energy and resolve to reorganize. While matters with the Bardavon are not settled, we desire to play for you and continue the mission of our orchestra. We have formed a new organization, the Hudson Valley Symphony Orchestra. We invite you to attend the inaugural concert of the Hudson Valley Symphony Orchestra! Conductor André Raphel will lead the HVSO for an evening of popular movie soundtracks: Jaws, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, STAR WARS, and more! This concert will be a delight for all ages. Celebrate with the Hudson Valley Symphony Orchestra!
May 18 th at 7:00 pm FDR High School 156 South Cross Rd. Staatsburg, NY
Visit the new website for more information and tickets!
Thank you to all who have signed the petition, written letters, and advocated in many other ways. We believe that music unites us in a way that few things can. Please join us in revitalizing our beloved orchestra.
October 25, 2023
We would like to be performing for the community again. However, the future of the HVP is uncertain. We would like the management and Board of Directors of the Bardavon to follow through with their offer over 18 months ago for a separation and a transfer of the assets associated with the HVP program. These assets are intended for the operation and continuation of the orchestra. We wish to use the assets to serve the community in continuing the mission of the HVP.
How we arrived at this point
On March 18, 2022, prior to contract negotiations, the Bardavon management said that they would transfer the endowments, assets related to the program, and the HVP name to the orchestra members if we would separate from the Bardavon and form our own organization. At that time, the orchestra members still hoped instead to come to an agreeable contract. However, after a year of negotiating, the final contract offer from the Bardavon would have provided only three concerts per year for the next three years, no artistic leadership, and no auditions to fill empty positions within the orchestra. Due to these reductions, the HVP members overwhelmingly rejected this offer.
“We would like to prioritize the growth of our programming, educational and community outreach, artistic professionalism, and the continuation of the internationally recognized HVP String Competition. The last contract offer presented by the management to the musicians unfortunately did not reflect a desire or plan which would support these priorities,” said Rachel Crozier, HVP violinist and co-chair of the Orchestra Committee.
We now believe the best path is to move forward with the transfer offered in March of 2022. We made a proposal several months ago for a separation and transfer of the assets in good faith, pursuant to an arrangement which would involve affiliating with another existing nonprofit organization under a fiscal sponsorship arrangement. Bardavon’s response is not what we hoped. We encourage our audience and supporters to contact the Bardavon management and Board of Directors to encourage them to do the right thing for the HVP.
What we would like to offer our community
We are preparing to move forward with the HVP's mission. We are working on potential plans for a future, separate from the Bardavon. Before the Bardavon began managing the HVP, we performed many more concerts each season, including multiple Classics performances, a Pops series, Young People’s Concerts, and small ensemble performances in schools all over the region. Since 2000, all this activity has gradually been reduced. Our goal is to rebuild the orchestra’s programming with a special focus on resuming the educational concerts and outreach to the community. Presenting the winners of the prestigious HVP String Competition will continue to be an integral part of our mission. We wish to grow and build new connections in the Hudson Valley communities.
We would like to be able to move forward. We are asking the Bardavon Board of Directors and Management to provide a reasonable response to our proposal for a fair separation and transfer of the HVP’s assets. We want to get back to doing what we love and continue serving the community.
Thank you to all our friends and supporters. We hope to see you soon!
On behalf of the Musicians of the HVP, The Orchestra Committee: Frances Duffy, Rachel Crozier, Carole Cowan, Emily Garrison, Jill Sokol
You can help by signing this petition in support of the musicians!
https://www.change.org/ KeepTheMusicPlaying
While we continue contract negotiations with the Bardavon management, there are still issues that are concerning to the musicians of the HVP.
Bardavon management withheld crucial information from the Orchestra Committee. The musicians accepted a truncated season based on this incomplete information. A significant bequest was made to the HVP in late 2021, verified by the estate. Neither the amount nor its application were reflected in documents supplied by management. After we requested an explanation, they have finally resubmitted budget information showing that there is no deficit.
The Orchestra Committee and Bardavon management agreed to negotiate through federal mediation. While it has taken them months to follow through, we are delighted that they will join the mediation process. We look forward to productive sessions.
Negotiations with management are ongoing, and we hope to have another update soon. We are looking forward to seeing our supporters and patrons on November 5 for the first HVP concert of the season.
Dear Audience and Friends,
Thank you for all your supportive actions and messages! It has been so wonderful to meet and interact with many of you at various community events recently.
We are still in active negotiation regarding our contract. On August 18, the members of the HVP ratified a Side Letter with our management. The Side Letter states that management will plan a minimum of three concerts while we continue negotiating our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The Side Letter is not a one-year agreement, but rather, a temporary measure to ensure that some plans are being made while we continue negotiations. The Side Letter will only be in effect until an agreement is reached regarding the CBA. Both sides have agreed to enter into mediation with a federal mediator through the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS). We look forward to continuing our negotiations through mediation very soon.
Thank you again for all your support! Check back for more updates.
Members of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic Orchestra Committee
We are still in negotiations. The Orchestra Committee and management have agreed to enter into mediation as we continue bargaining.
To our supporters and audience, thank you to all who have called and written to the Bardavon to express your support for the Hudson Valley Philharmonic. We appreciate your outpouring of support more than we can express.
Mr. Silva has answered some of your emails, and we want to address what is being sent widely.
You may be interested to see the extent of the financial information shared with us. Before our meeting mentioned below of 3/18/22, the Orchestra Committee requested to see financial data. A single spreadsheet was provided. Based on the discussions in that meeting, we requested further information, on 3/24/22. We requested to see: tax documents, financial statements, endowment statements, COVID relief grants and loans, and information regarding grants and donations. All of this is relevant and necessary to understanding the health of the Bardavon organization and the HVP within that structure. To date, we have not yet seen any of these documents.
Click here to see our full response.
As Bardavon Executive Director Chris Silva announced from the stage before our concert this past Saturday night, the Bardavon has agreed to enter into negotiations with the musicians of the HVP regarding our contract. Mr. Silva's announcement was surprising but welcome, although no further communication has been made to us regarding the plans for next season
Please continue to call and email the Bardavon in support of the orchestra! We will continue to post updated information here on the website.
THANK YOU! The Musicians of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic
We, the Musicians of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic, have created this website for you, our audience and community members. We would not be here without you.
The Hudson Valley Philharmonic is in danger. Help us keep the music playing.
In March of 2022, the Bardavon 1869 Opera House told us they were planning to suspend the 2022-2023 season. Our management indicated they did not wish to negotiate a new contract for our next season. We, the musicians, are members of the American Federation of Musicians, Local 238-291. We made our desire to negotiate a new contract known to the Bardavon management. While they have now agreed to enter into negotiations, we have not yet heard plans of moving forward with a 2022-2023 season. We hope the planning will begin soon. The HVP is an asset to the region and a jewel of the Hudson Valley!
The orchestra has been a vital part of the community since the 1930s. It is a cultural and educational pillar in the region. The Musicians of the HVP are active in the community beyond the Bardavon stage, providing music for weddings and important events, teaching music to all ages, and much more.
We are still mourning the loss of our late music director, Maestro Randall Craig Fleischer. The Musicians of the HVP want to honor his 28 years of work with us - and celebrate the long history of the orchestra - by continuing to bring music to the region. We believe the HVP continues to be a musical treasure for our audiences, students, and the entire community.
How can you help?
Contact the Bardavon management and board members. Tell them you want to see the HVP on stage next year, to continue its mission of bringing vibrant classical music to the region. Contact the local press and tell them what the Hudson Valley Philharmonic means to you and the community. Pledge your support to the orchestra and help spread the word to your family and friends. Together, we can keep the music playing!
Write to:
- Bardavon Executive Director, Chris Silva: csilva@bardavon.org
- Bardavon Administrative Offices: (845) 473-5288
- Bardavon Board of Directors: www.bardavon.org/about-us/board-of-directors/
2022/2023 HVP Performances
- November 5th, 2022: Richard Einhorn’s “Voices of Light”
- December 14th, 2022: with “Mannheim Steamroller” at the Poughkeepsie Civic Center
- December 17th, 2022: Handel’s “Messiah”
- March 19th, 2023: “The Irish Tenors” at the Lycian Center, Sugar Loaf
- May 20th, 2023: Holst’s “The Planets”
Philharmonic Chamber Series
We are thrilled to announce 3 more chamber music events featuring musicians who play in the Hudson Valley Philharmonic. Admission is free, and there will be opportunities to meet and chat with the musicians after the concerts. Bring your friends and family for sublime music!
All events are at Christ Episcopal Church 20 Carroll St, Poughkeepsie
January 22, 2023 @ 5pm – Music by Jesse Montgomery, Prokofiev, and more
Performed by The Handman String Quartet; Hudson Valley String Quartet; Cara Quartet (flute, violin, viola, cello), and cellist Christopher Santos.
February 26, 2023 @ 5pm
Performed by violin duos, woodwind ensemble
March 19, 2023 @ 5pm
Brass Quintet with Paul Bellino
Sunday, April 30 @ 5pm
Harp, strings, winds, piano
Sunday, May 21
Concert and Fundraising Event
3pm Silent Auction
4pm Concert
Harp, Flute Quintet, Wind Octet
Contact Us
News Archives
HVP has a new home for the 1981-82 season
HVP has a new home for the 1981-82 season The Hudson Valley Philharmonic will have a new permanent home at the historic Bardavon 1869 Opera House beginning with the 1981-82 symphony season.
Philharmonic Society
One of the great benefits of living in the Hudson Valley is the music that is made available by the Hudson Valley Philharmonic Society.
Ford Foundation Announces $325,000 Grant To Hudson Valley Philharmonic Society
In 1966 the Ford Foundation notified the Hudson Valley Symphony Society that they are to receive $250,000 in endowment monies to be matched over the next five years
Philharmonic Cites $82,223 Income
The Hudson Valley Philharmonic has reported a gross income of $82,223 for its 1962-63 season, according to Leo F. Kilcoyne, president of the Philharmonic's Ulster County Council.
Dutchess County Philharmonic Society Announces 26th Season
The Dutchess County Philharmonic Society announces its 3-concert 26th series, led by music director, Claude Monteaux.
Dutchess Philharmonic Head Praises Orchestra's Ability
It often has been said that to gain its ultimate objective, any organization must first fulfill its immediate needs — and the Dutchess County Philharmonic society is no exception to this rule of existence.